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Main picture
Norway is divided into 5 main regions.

Southern Norway

South Norway is most famous for it's beautiful archipelago. When Norwegians go on holiday, a lot of them go to cabins dotted along the whole coast.

Eastern Norway

Eastern Norway is the region of Norway where the majority of the people live. The capital Oslo is also located here. Ranges from mountains to costal cities.

Northern Norway

Northern Norway is the region with many of the natural resources in Norway. The fishing industry is one of the most important industries in this part. Know for it's spectacular natural beauty.

Central Norway

Central Norway is the region around Trondheim, the third biggest city in Norway. The region is popularly known for its moonshine homebrew, the karsk. The "national dish" of the region is sodd, sheep meat and meatballs in boiled stock.

Western Norway

Western Norway is most famous for it' beautiful fjords. From a range of locations you can see some of the most beautiful places in the world, according to a series of awards.

A night on the Soot canal

Pictures from the Soot Canal that's located close to Bjørkelangen in Akerhus More