About explorenorway.com

This site is a demo site for Webnodes CMS. It is loosely modeled after the award winning www.visitnorway.com site.

This site was built with two main goals:

  • To show off some of the strengths of Webnodes CMS, including a custom datamodel (that can be edited in the edit interface), video handling, OData etc.
  • To show different ways you can work with Webnodes CMS in conjunction with the built-in ASP.Net controls, as well as how you can utilize the Webnodes CMS server controls to quickly implement templates.

We've made some compromises to this implementation in order to reach those goals. In some situations we have chosen a non-optimal way of solving a particular issue, in order to show different implementation strategies. We have also simplified the code in some places in order to keep the code as simple as possible. And other places we have complicated the code to show of some of the more advanced functionality.

If there are additional features you would like to see in the demo, send us an email.

Shop demo site

A night on the Soot canal

Pictures from the Soot Canal that's located close to Bjørkelangen in Akerhus More

Conferences in Norway

Hosting a conference? Considered having it in Norway? More