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(1 reviews)

Dried lye cod (Lutefisk)

This might be the strangest traditional recipe in Norway. To many it looks like yellow semitransparent goo but to others this is one of the best traditional culinary experiences of Norway.


  • 2Kg Lutefisk
  • 1 table spoon of salt
  • 20 potatoes
  • 2Kg Mashed peas

Nutritional information (per 100g)

  • Fat: 4,92 g
  • Proteins: 7,12 g
  • Carbohydrates: 7,37g
  • Calories: 102,39 Kcal
30 minutes
4 servings

Why and when preparing dried fish with lye is not known, but it is an old tradition. One theory is that a stock of dried burned after a lightning strike. Dry fish was left in the ashes that were wet in the next rain, and the ash is alkaline. At the time, any food not poisoned would be eaten. The fish was probably washed thoroughly in clean water to remove the worst sot. And so the lutefisk was born.

Lutefisk is first mentioned in the literature in the year 1555. He describes how lutefisk prepared and eaten. The dry stick the fish will be in strong lye for two days, then rinsed in fresh water a day before it is cooked and eaten. Lutefisk is served with salted butter and is highly valued, even by kings.

Lutefisk is made from dried fish or dried cod treated with lye in a special process. The fish is first soaked in cold water for five or six days, with daily change of water. The water saturated the fish is then soaked in cold water and lye for two days. During this treatment the fish swells to more than its original size, while the protein content is reduced by about 50% - which gives the fish its distinctive texture. When this treatment is finished, the fish is full of caustic soda has a pH value of 11-12 and is toxic. For it to be edible, it must again be soaked in cold water for 10 days.

The taste for lutefisk has apparently evolved towards a milder and firmer fish. Some recommend put in lye for two to three days, others recommended two to four days and some even recommended actually put in lye in six to eight days. This means that the fish must have been significantly stronger in both taste and smell.

The fish is now ready for final preparation.

  • Cook carefully so as not to fall apart.
  • Heat in a pan. It does not need any water, it is sufficient to place it in a pan, add the lid at low heat for 10 minutes. One can also do it in an oven, pack the fish in aluminum foil and let it stand for a little at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • You may serve with bacon, mustard and lompe.


Yikes, what on earth do you people eat

James Stern - 9/6/2011
* * * * *
(1 of 5 stars)
Maybe I should not post this review because I did not really taste it. Anyway, my friend got this served and she could not bare the jelly like fish. It even wobbled on the plate a it was served.